Rangers & Sovereignty – The True Story of the Criminal Pursuits, Campaigns and Battles of Texas Rangers in 19th Century by Daniel W. Roberts

Rangers and Sovereignty is an autobiography written by Captain Dan W. Roberts. It brings the exciting tale of his service as a Texas Ranger. Roberts describes in detail the battles that the Rangers fought in, the different criminals they dealt with, and some of the events in their own lives.
The Deer Creek Fight
Packsaddle Mountain Fight
Enlistment and First Scout
Fugitive List
Lost Valley Fight
With Forces Even
“The Wind Up”
Third Saline Fight
Moved Camp to Las Moras
The Staked Plains Fight
Viewing Out A Road
Capt Roberts Married
The Mason County War
Rio Grande Campaign
On the March
Fort Davis Scout
The Potter Scout—1880
Waiting on the Courts
Pegleg Stage Robbing—1880
Stealing Saddles
Cattle Stealing
The Killing of Sam Bass
Considering Results
Fence Cutters
Horrel War
The Old Texas Rangers
Interesting Letters
Adios Rangers
Old Spanish Fort
Old San Antonio Road
A New Texas


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