America Entering World War I (1917-1918) by United States Army, Center of Military History, Eric B. Setzekorn

America’s entry into the World War in April 1917 presented the United States Army with its greatest challenge in the nation’s history. This book examines the U.S. Army’s involvement in the Great War from the declaration of war on 6 April 1917 through the initial phase of the German Spring Offensive in March–April 1918. Finally, this book is enriched with the official documents of the U.S. Government from the Fist World War.
Strategic Setting
The U.S. Army Before the War
American Military and Civilian Leadership
The Amalgamation Debate
Mobilization of Manpower
Building the AEF, 1917
American Soldiers Begin Arriving
Training the AEF
Men and Materiel in the AEF
The War Department: Challenges and Reform
Strategic Crisis on the Western Front
The AEF Joins the Fight
Official Documents of the U.S. Government from the Great War
Official Positions of Principal Persons Mentioned in the Correspondence
The Continuation and Further Spread of the War—Efforts Toward Peace
The Continuation of the War—Participation of the United States
Neutral Rights
Neutral Duties
Belligerent Rights and Practice
Other Problems and Responsibilities


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